Choose from millions of. Thanks so much for watching on how you can make an aesthetic backgroundI have seen this has been popular so I decided to tryI hope you enjoyed this video. Maddierolfex On Pinterest Yellow Aesthetic Pastel Aesthetic Pastel Wallpaper Pastel Aesthetic Wave goodbye to generic. How to make aesthetic background . Most of us can agree that the default Linux desktop looks plain and boring. It makes sense to personalize your gadgets by adding an aesthetic wallpaper. After all you spend so many hours working on them that an impersonal screen would be. To lazy to put in another fancy desc I am feeling so much betterrrr Anyway hope you enjoyedQOTD. How to make your Linux desktop look Awesome. Why the heck not. Dont forget like coment and subscribetumblr editor. Wherever you are I hope you are having an amazing day. How to Make Aesthetic Wallpaper I spend more time than Id like to admit on my iPhone and laptop and staring at a boring wallpaper doesnt h...