It will help to make a cut flower grow roots if you use a sharp knife to make the cut. Root cuttings are most effective if taken when plants are dormant usually between November and February. How To Propagate Roses From Your Valentine Bouquet My Humble Home And Garden Rose Cuttings Planting Roses Propagating Roses For rose cuttings the cut must be about 12 inches and go directly into the earth without. How to make plant cuttings grow roots . Too much actually hinders its success. This may mean having. When you are cutting a flower it is important that the cut is even and should come out looking nice and clean. Place the cutting in a clean glass. Place your new cutting in a jar of glass jar full of water and put it in a warm bright and location where it can soak up some indirect sunlight. Once it comes in contact with a cutting. If you have decided to start rooting tree cuttings in water add water to the container as it evaporates. To help your plants roots grow pu...