IOS 1413 - How to Make Useful Shortcut Automations Siri Shortcuts Automations TutorialSiri Shortcuts have been around for a while but Automations just ar. Swipe down the screen and tap the green icon for Shortcuts to add your shortcuts as widgets. How To Create A Shortcut On The Iphone To Perform Actions That Save Time And Effort Iphone Apple Technology Shortcut In Shortcuts tap Automation. How to make iphone shortcuts run automatically . Just to point it it hasnt been made by me only. When you Arrive Leave connect to CarPlay or use the Before I Leave or Time of Day triggers or try. So while watching videos I keep the auto lock setting to NEVER so I can cook simultaneously After cooking is over I revert the setting to 30 seconds. Tap the Automation tab. With iOS 14 you can now trigger Shortcuts automatically without needing to confirm the action. English is not my native language Im italian and Im not very trained with. Not all triggers can make an automation run ...