To begin composting youll need a bin to compost in. Its also important to pick an area. Kitchen Waste Compost Bin For Organic Fertilzer Compost Compost Bin Kitchen Waste You can use a composting bin or you can just start a compost pile in a shady area. How to start a compost bin at home . This aids drainage and helps aerate the pile. So lets take a look at how you can start your very own compost bin at home. 5 Steps to Starting Your Own Compost Bin There are a lot of things you can do at home to be more eco-friendly like reducing heating and air conditioning use or starting a compost bin. Try to select an outdoor location with partial shade and plenty of drainage. How to set up your compost system. Creating the compost heap adding organic materials and watering and turning the compost as necessary. CLICK GEAR ICON ABOVE AND VIEW AT 1080p HD FOR BEST QUALITYcompost bin aerator - httpsamznto2A4IrdKcompost fork - httpsamznto3ebzTABorganic ferti. How to use your compo...