Pothos Propagation How to Propagate a Pothos Begin by snipping off 4- to 6-inch 10-15 cm lengths of healthy stem for your pothos cuttings making sure each cutting has four or more leaves. Propagating pothos from leaf You are going to need a segment of stem to successfully propagate your pothos. How To Propagate Pothos Plants Never Buy Another Pothos Pothos In Water Pothos Plant Golden Pothos Before growing the pothos plant in water you have to use a healthy vine that was cut below a node. How to grow a pothos from a cutting . Dont worry its a pothos it will grow more. Hi plantaroos welcome to this quick video on how to propagate and plant Marble Queen pothos cuttings. How to propagate pothos without rooting hormone While rooting hormone can be used you totally do NOT need it. Cloning otherwise known as propagating pothos is a very easy way to multiply and give away some of your beautiful popular plant without buying any more. Cut that vine again to a point where there is a...