If you want to give a plant more room to grow use a new pot. But to improve soil fertility in a more immediate way and benefit individual. Inhabitat Green Design Innovation Architecture Green Building Dying Plants Plants Plant Leaves Not all potting soils are created equally. How to improve indoor plant soil . CANNA offers high-quality easy-to-use plant soils substrates and expertise. You can get products to adjust these qualities. You can buy ready-made organic compost to get a jump start. We talked to a handful of horticulturists and plant specialists to find out the best. CANNA offers high-quality easy-to-use plant soils substrates and expertise. Use lighter soil for hanging plants or for plants that grow in the shade. Advertentie CANNA is the Dutch expert in cultivating plants in cocoponics hydroponics potting mixes. It also has better natural drainage than potted plants so stick to potting soil for indoor plants. You can make your soil drain better by adding ...