Know how to add email to iPhone manually. Then sign in using your Google. The Latest Version Of The Ios Gmail App Has A Very Useful Feature That Will Allow You To Unsend An Email Google Calendar Iphone Apps Ios Apps Your iPhone will begin to look for nearby Google Home devices. How to set up google on iphone . All you need to do is download the Goog. You can set up and sync Apple Google Microsoft and many other accounts right to your iPhone or iPad. In order to start customizing your Google Assistant app you need to head over to the apps Settings. Tap Next and wait for Mail to verify your account. First off download Google Assistant on your iOS device. First make sure your Google Assistant app is updated. Google Assistant app If youre new to iPhone get helpful tips to use Google Assistant with this step-by-step guide. Choose information from your email account like Contacts or Calendars. Choose the Gmail account you want to use for your Google Home then tap OK. ...