For the best vegetable garden ever you need the help of Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food which is formulated with vegetable plants in mind. Organic fertilisers are plant- and animal-derived products such as hoof and horn bonemeal seaweed extract and blood fish and bone. 13 Of The Best Plants For Your Health That Are Easy To Keep Alive Plants Household Plants Cool Plants The best plant food is liquid seaweed and hydrolysed fish meal organic feeds the plants and conditions the soil where as miracle gro is a chemical fertiliser as no benefits to the soil. What is the best plant food for houseplants . 1 Each macronutrient has a specific function. All general-purpose fertilizers contain the basic macronutrients that plants need to grow including nitrogen phosphorus and potassium. This is the best way for the roots to absorb all the nutrients. Aquatic Arts All-purpose House Plant Fertilizer. These usually need to be broken down in the soil before the elements they contain can b...