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How To Edit Relationships In Sims 4 Mc Command Center

The MC Command Center is the ultimate best tool that you can use for The Sims 4. Then follow the next steps by clicking on your. How To Set Custom Aging In The Sims 4 Mc Command Center Tutorial Youtube First you need to bring up the cheat code console box. How to edit relationships in sims 4 mc command center . Deaderpools MC Command Center mod is one of the biggest mods for The Sims 4It gives you control of almost everything in the game and adds tons of new. Restart the game after making all these changes. He didnt love how the UI thing for it came together. Todays video is a mod tutorial where I attempt to teach you to use the Mc Command Center mod. The Sims 4 world is yours to mold and change as you see fit with MCCC. Do I need to delete my mc_settingscfg file when I update. There are 2 relationship types in The Sims 4. MC Command Center adds some NPC story progression options and greater control to your Sims 4. Sometimes working on these relationships can be a...