By completing the steps in this guide you will adjusting the image shown on your Home screens background. Select the photo you want to display on your home screen. Change App Icons On Ios With This Shortcut Custom Icons App Icon Homescreen With nearly five stars and thousands of reviews Focos makes it possible to focus on a subject long after the photo was taken. How to change picture on iphone apps . If you want to replace one apps icon with another you should use a shortcut called Download App Store Photos With this shortcut you can browse the App Store to find the app in question tap the Share icon then Copy Link From there open the shortcut from the Shortcuts app then tap App Icon on the action sheet. Ability to use photos from photo album. Assuming youve already saved an image in Photo. Tap the share icon. Take the photo from photo album or take new photo using camera and convert to cartoon right away for free. Hold down on any empty space on the home screen to. ...