Any font you have installed on your computer will show up in Inkscape. Open Inkscape and click into the Text Icon pic below. Pin On Cricut Explore Design Space The max distance you can apply is 1 inch in both directions. How to make an outline of a shape in cricut design space . You simply use the square shape maker to first draw the cropping window you need. Since my shape is roughly 2 x 2 inches Ill keep the square as is because 24 inches is the default size. I offer one on one classes for Cricut Design Space. Why is Slice not working on Cricut Design Space. Duplicate the image or shape by going to the Layers panel and clicking the duplicate button. This tutorial will show you how to create an outline around words in Inkscape and transfer the design to Cricut Design Space. Long and narrow looks good. So today I am going to show you a few ways to remove items from a file and crop images so you can customize. Once youre in text mode just enter the text your want t...