Unless he was suppose to pay you some rent I suggest that you give him another 30 day notice and if he does not get out file an eviction law suit against him and get an order of possession. Using the earlier example youd need to have 100000. Pin On Omfg Me If law enforcement cannot solve the problem for you and your ex-girlfriend refuses to leave then you may wish to speak to an attorney. How can i get my ex partner out of my house . To remove your ex-partner from the original mortgage agreement and the Title Deeds youll need to complete a Transfer of Equity. He now denying me entry saying that I need public liability insurance to get my belongings can he do this. I have given him the required 48 hours notice to gain access to the property. You want him out and I take it that the divorce judgment is silent about how lives where. Once any notice period has ended you are within your rights to change the locks. If your boyfriend was paying rent the judge may award you some re...