This mod will allow you to increase the size of your household and surpass the 8 Sim maximum in place by the game. Its purpose is to expand the functionalities and story progression within the sims 4. The Sims 4 Larger Household Tutorial How To Get More Than 8 Sims Youtube You can never discover The Sims games 100. How to make your sims household bigger . This Sims 4 mod lets you have up to 24 Sims in one house which is your new household limit. Want to know how to expand your household in The Sims 4 to more than 8 Sims. So yes The Sims 3 did allow bigger households by 2 but that doesnt mean theyve removed the limit. Alexis founded SimsVIP in 2011 right after Aliens abducted her from Bella Goths house. Welcome to a Sims 4 tutorial on how to have more than 8 sims per household its super easy. Command Center Sims 4 Solved How Do You Make Your Household Bigger Using Mc Command Center Page 2 Answer Hq. A tutorial on how to get more than 8 sims in a household on The Si...