Shed is an exempt structure. No I would not live in a shed. She Said I Want A She Shed Ideas Plans The Garden Glove Building A Shed Reclaimed Building Materials Garden Shed The actual exemption in respect of a shed is 25sq m considerably less than your existing shed at 35sq m. Can i build a shed and live in it . Approval can generally be given for a toilet shower and hand basin in a shed. In most cases the. Can I live in a shed or caravan temporarily while. 14535 posts read 9279640 times Reputation. There will be limitations on what you can build for this amount of money with lower or higher costs depending on where you source your materials and where you. Sheds converted to homes. Many people want to live in a shed while they are building the permeant house. It was tongue and grooved inside and out and was insulated with polystyrene. This is not an uncommon complaint but provided your neighbour has acted within the terms of the planning permission and building re...