Jade plants are very similar to cacti and are in the succulent family. If your jade is still very small less than 6 inches with no branches youll be. Jade Plant Benefits Small But Important Things To Observe Greenkosh Jade Plants Plant Benefits Jade Plant Care Never remove more than 20-30 of the plant. How to clean my jade plant leaves . Why are my jade plant leaves turning brown. After rinsing and thoroughly drying your. A little water will do the job. You can revive overwatered jade plants. Saturated soil will quickly cause root rot which can kill the roots of your plant preventing your Jade Plant absorbing water and nutrients. Either way be sure to clean both the top and bottom of the leaves because it will also help to remove pests like spider mites. Feel the soil with your fingers to assess the moisture. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the plant of all soap. Vinegar or Lemon Juice Water Mixing vinegar with water is especially effective at getting rid of residue b...