Bugs and insects can contribute to the production of unpleasant smells in your house. To get rid of the odor in your garbage disposal spritz a dollop of lemon-scented dish soap down into the disposal run the water then turn it on says. How To Make Your House Smell Good Naturally 4 Ways House Smell Good House Smells Smell Good How Do You Keep Your House Smelling Good. How to make your house smell good naturally . Many call this a Fresh Orange Pomander. Whether youre trying to remove the odors from fresh paint cigarette smoke or pets. Essential oils that make your house smell good include. How to Make your Home Smell Good Naturally. Get Rid of the Insects. A wonderful scent is released from the combination of the oranges and. Drink Plenty of Water If theres one thing you can do to keep smelling good its to drink water. Theyre good especially in areas like diaper pails garbages and litter boxes says Maker. The first thing to do in order to make your house smell good ...