Open-plan basically promotes working on a single floor with few cubicles or workgroup tables at distant places. Open plan is the generic term used in architectural and interior design for any floor plan that makes use of large open spaces and minimizes the use of small enclosed. Best Office Layout Design Office Layout Office Layout Plan Office Floor Plan A startups office in San. What is an open office floor plan . As the name suggests an open plan office is a type of office layout where all employees work on the same floor and in the same open space. Beginning in the early aughts American tech workers began leaving cubicles behind in favor of an open-floor-plan office space. Open-plan office or open office is a working environment where there are no internal walls and no divided smaller offices. An open floor plan doesnt mean all rooms are connected nor does it mean there are no barriers at all between the rooms. It all started with Google which. An open office layout is ...