Google Home Mini How To Make A Phone CallOutgoing Calls OnlyWith Hands-Free Calling on Google Home you can call friends family and businesses using jus. Find More Settings and tap on it. Google Home Mini Google Home Mini Google Clothes Design The new voice-activated calling functionality allows you to link and synchronise contacts for up to six devices to your Google account. How do i call google home from my phone . To place a call on your Google Home just say OK Google call Dave Johnson if Dave is in your Google contacts. However if you have a Google Voice number or use Project Fi you can connect your phone number by opening the Google Home app tapping the hamburger button in the top left to expand the. Here you can integrate Google Duo account and m. Make sure your phone is connected to the same wifi network as your home mini. Just start by saying hey google. In order to make outgoing calls your Google Contacts you need to follow these steps. Open the Google Ho...