You can actually choose the duration of time for your iPhone to launch the auto-lock mode. On an iPhone you can choose between 30 Seconds 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes or Never which will keep the screen on indefinitely. Fix An Unresponsive Touch Screen On Iphone 6s And Iphone 6s Plus Osxdaily After this you will find your iPhone going into. How to make lock screen stay on longer on iphone 6 . Our article continues below with additional information on making the iPhone screen stay on for longer including pictures of the steps and information on older versions of iOS. Go to Settings Displays Brightness Auto-Lock. Is it possible without jailbreaking the phone please to extend the lock screen timeout on iPhone 6. Then you will a list of different time increments and the one you select will be the amount of time your screen stays on without you touching it. Your iPhones screen lock time is by default set to 30 seconds. How to Make the iPhone Screen Stay On. Y...