It may appear right away as a suggested widget but if not youll just need to scroll down and select it from the list. If your desired widget is there tap it. How To Add And Remove Widgets From The Home Screen On Iphone Homescreen Iphone Home Screen Widget Home Screen Widget The widget will show up on your iPhones home screen drag to reposition it. How to add widgets to iphone home screen picture . On your iPhone Home Screen you have a variety of ways to add a picture widget. Here we will clarify how to use both methods on your iPhone to add a Photo widget. Select your widget display option small medium or large. Hold down on any empty space on the home screen to activate jiggle mode Tap the in the top left corner. Tap the Add button in the top left corner. Navigate to the Photo Widget option and select it. First just tap and hold an empty area of the Home screen to activate the editing mode. Tap on the Photos Widget. When youve got the image looking just right tap...